I came across some useful materials about Automatic Control (System Dynamics, Modelling and Control) on the course page (System Dynamics and Control) of Assist. Prof. Hulya Yalcin from Istanbul Technical University. (link: https://web.itu.edu.tr/hulyayalcin/MAK331E__SystemDynamicsAndControl.htm ). Since Dr.Yalcin put those useful materials together, I would like to copy her suggested materials here too.
- Book 1: Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 4th edition
- Book 2: Özdaş, N., Otomatik Kontrol Temelleri
- MIT Open Courseware 1: Dynamics and Control 1
- MIT Open Courseware 2: Dynamics and Control 2
- Video Lectures 1: Introduction to Control
- Video Lectures 2: Dynamic Systems and Control
- Video Lectures 3: Control Lectures by Brian Douglas
- MATLAB Control System Toolbox
In addition to these materials, I would like to add some other materials:
- A short summary book: An Engineer’s Guide to The Fundamentals of Control Theory by Brian Douglas: creator of the Control Lectures above. (refer to https://www.engineeringmediallc.com/)
- Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (Highly recommended tutorial for dynamic system modelling, and also control).